no such thing as TMI.


Real Talk about Sex and Relationships I UX/UI

Naming, Logo, Art Direction, Prototyping, Copywriting, Advertising, Website, Brand Identity


In the UK, parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from sex education classes, including those related to relationships and sexual health. This can leave some young teens without access to crucial information about safe sex and healthy relationships. According to the Sex Education Forum, a UK-based organization, comprehensive sex education can lead to lower rates of teenage pregnancy and a better understanding of consent and sexual health.


Verified is a website dedicated to providing credible sexual education to young UK teens, regardless of whether they receive this education in school. The website offers accurate and age-appropriate information on topics such as contraception, STIs, consent, and healthy relationships. This resource is especially valuable for teens who may feel uncomfortable discussing these topics with parents or teachers. The verified goal is to help empower teens to make well-informed decisions about their sexual health and relationships.


Sex education is essential for all teens, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, as everyone deserves the right to learn about and understand all aspects of sexuality.

Inclusive education for all teens.

Breaking taboos and building confidence.

It is a reality that young teens will engage in sexual activity, making it imperative that we provide them with the information and support needed to make informed choices.


Awkward things are bound to happen during sex and the goal of these advertisements is to help young teens embrace that. 

Website Iconography


Lobotany / Advertising + Packaging