how it happens.

Whether I'm tackling an assigned task or crafting an idea from scratch, my initial instinct is always to dissect. Delving into the research behind any project is essential for grasping its intricacies and unlocking its full potential. That's why I prefer recording all my findings in my trusty notebook. Writing down my insights is a vital part of my process, as it provides me with a solid foundation to build upon and ensures that no detail is overlooked.


After meticulously researching and processing all the information I've gathered, I make it a point to give myself ample time to explore all my options. This phase is not about idly waiting for something to happen but rather about actively engaging with different possibilities. I believe "loading" means being cautious and not rushing into decisions. It means trying various approaches to ensure that my choices are well-considered and not solely based on aesthetics.


In the next phase of my process, I place a great deal of emphasis on trusting myself as a creative individual. I believe that there's a certain art to recognizing when something is genuinely working and has “clicked.” During this stage, refinement is key. I must ensure that, even if an idea seems solid and promising, I don't simply settle for the first iteration I like. Instead, I push myself to explore further, refining and honing the concept to its fullest potential.


Conversation is not just a part of my design process but rather the focal point. Collaboration with a diverse group of individuals is the very essence of my creations. Asking questions is not a sign of confusion in my eyes; it's a sign of care and consideration. After all, you can only design with genuine empathy if you take the time to ask others what they think and feel. (Also, I won’t lie I‘m a Chatty Cathy.)


lock in

After all the discussions and brainstorming sessions, it's time to bring a project to fruition. As I put on my headphones and start playing a podcast, I enter a focused state where I meticulously review every detail. This is when I check every nook and cranny for mistakes and fixes, ensuring all parameters are met. It's a time of intense concentration and scrutiny, where I make sure I feel proud of the final product before presenting it to the world.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a creative is having the opportunity to step back and admire the collective work of yourself and your peers. While I have a deep love for design and find the work incredibly fulfilling, there's something truly special about the moment when it's time to close the documents for the night and return to reality.

Taking time to unwind and enjoy life outside of work is essential for me. Whether it's spending time with friends, watching movies, savoring a good meal, or simply having a moment to myself, these moments recharge my creative batteries. This balance is necessary for me to approach my work with the same level of enthusiasm and dedication.

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