claim your courage.

Bold Brew

Confidence Boosting Cold Brew I Packaging

Naming, Logo, Art Direction, Packaging, Copywriting, Advertising, Website, Brand Identity


Many people struggle with confidence, with studies showing that up to 85% of people experience low self-esteem at some point in their lives. Confidence is crucial as it impacts every aspect of our lives, from our personal relationships to our professional success.


Bold Brew turns your mornings around by giving people the confidence and self-assurance to conquer the day. Using a mix of naturally sourced caffeine and neurotransmitters, this cold brew gives people a literal boost of confidence. Whether it's a presentation, a competition, or just getting out there, Bold Brew has your back.


Sip, Smile, Succeed.

With just one bottle Bold Brew coffee, you can experience a burst of energy and unparalleled confidence that lasts for up to five hours.


This ad is crafted to communicate that Bold Brew empowers you with the courage and confidence needed to take action and do the things that scare you, unlocking the potential for meaningful and fulfilling experiences.


Beaux / Packaging + Advertising


Riff / UX/UI + Advertising